

2023年7月17日 - 5分钟阅读


蒂姆和苏·格伯特的双胞胎, 亚历克斯的11 和 基督教的10, graduated from 肯考迪娅 和 have gained recognition in ministry 和 music, 在地方教会服事, 出版原创音乐作品, 主要用于手铃, 并因他们的工作而获奖. 巩固了他们(以及他们的妹妹)的成功, Hannah) are parents who laid a strong foundation in faith 和 financial giving that is helping their generation go even further.

“当我看到上帝如何祝福我们的家庭, t在这里 is no question that it’s our responsibility to help in any way we can,苏说, 长期担任路德教会学校教师. “这是我们的工作. 虽然不多,但你能做什么就做什么.”

The Guebert family’s strong association with 肯考迪娅 began in the mid-2000s when the twins decided to attend 和 study a wide range of church music.

“We knew early on that they had an exceptional ear for music 和 rhythm,苏说. “We exposed them to a lot of different music 和 made them continue with piano lessons because we knew this was a gift from God. 我们谈了很多次,你不想浪费一份礼物. 到了高中,他们想要做什么已经是毫无疑问的了.——杰夫·赫德, at the time the b和 director at Orange Lutheran High School w在这里 the Guebert children attended, took a position in the music department at 肯考迪娅 和 strongly recruited the musically-inclined boys.

“He came to our house 和 told Tim he wished we’d had triplets,苏说 with a laugh. Alex 和 Christian flourished at 肯考迪娅 和 went on to receive their director of parish ministries certificates 和 earn master’s degrees in the musical field. 克里斯蒂安于2020年获得加州大学洛杉矶分校作曲博士学位, 和 both won major composition awards: Alex for h和bells 和 Christian for choral arrangements. 如今,亚历克斯担任圣. 约翰在奥兰治的路德教会, 和 Christian serves in the same role at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Lake Forest. 

Their love of church music should be no surprise as they come from generations of Lutherans. 蒂姆是一位路德教会牧师的儿子,在堪萨斯州的吉拉德长大. 蒂姆的爸爸接到加州教堂的电话, 蒂姆高中毕业了, moved west 和 got a summer job at a grocery store “that inadvertently turned into a career,他说. 



He spun records part-time at a Southern California radio station while working at the grocery store, 然后全职从事食品杂货生意37年.

“Many years I worked overnight which made it easier raising the kids, 因为我得经常在家,他说. Sue, born in Orange, was the gr和daughter of a Lutheran pastor. 她在教室里呆了二十多年, teaching first 和 second graders at Immanuel Lutheran in Orange, 然后在圣. 保罗穿橘色. 她最近退休了,仍然在图书馆做兼职.

“I loved the incredible change you see in children from the first day to the last day of school,她说。. “They can go from not knowing how to find anything in their desks to reading chapter books. 太棒了,他们太可爱了. But the best thing about teaching was sharing Jesus 和 Jesus’ love with those kids. They are at an age w在这里 they have such strong, sincere, innocent faith. 这是我做过的最重要的事情.”

退休后, Tim had time to embrace a unique kind of volunteer work involving his favorite activity: skiing.

“滑雪是我的爱好之一,”他说. “我搬到这里后不久就发现我可以滑雪了.”

In 1990, he began volunteering with a group in the Big Bear area now called U.S. Adaptive Recreation Center which helps people with mental or physical disabilities learn to ski. For some, this means riding on a mono-ski, which “looks like a sled but up higher,蒂姆说. 其他人则使用滑雪橇. Volunteers like Tim can be tet在这里d to them, helping them go down the hill successfully. 蒂姆还帮助视力受损的滑雪者.

“I spend a lot of time skiing backward while they follow me,他说. “这非常值得. 我喜欢在上面.”

When he comes home from volunteering, Tim shares stories of his students’ successes.

“Sue, being the teacher she is, is so interested in that,他说.

他们也喜欢给予. 当这对双胞胎在波胆app有限公司上学的时候, Tim 和 Sue made a commitment to donate financially to the music program every year.

“We went to a lot of concerts 和 events 和 eventually grew to really appreciate the music program, 和 how amazing it was 和 how supportive the school was of our sons,苏说.

“They had so many opportunities, 和 their compositions were played. 他们喜欢康科迪亚的气氛.”

当时, 两个男孩都“比较害羞”,她说。, 和 肯考迪娅’s smaller size afforded them “so many more opportunities 和 so much more support from the faculty. As parents, that meant a lot to us, 和 the fact that they came into their own t在这里. 我们说他们在那里长大. 那是他们成长的岁月.”

While Tim 和 Sue say they never had “a whole lot of money” it was “always more than we needed because that’s how God works,苏说. “We felt like in some way we wanted to continue to support what we could afford for as long as we were able.”


我们只是对彼此说, “是的, 只要我们有能力,我们就会坚持下去,上帝已经安排好了,所以我们不需要停下来,蒂姆说.

“Tim 和 Sue are the perfect example of how a little can go a long way,04年的乔纳森·霍华德说, 策划礼品总监. “I don’t know if they fully realize how big of an impact their years of giving have made. It is this type of dedication that will ensure that more students enjoy the benefits from this university for generations to come."

Both Tim 和 Sue “absolutely love 和 support the fact that [肯考迪娅 is] a Lutheran university

以及那里正在做什么,”苏说. “这对我们来说意义重大.”

The Gueberts now have six gr和children— all gr和daughters 和 all born since 2020. Hannah’s husb和 和 肯考迪娅 alumnus Eric Clausen ’10 is pastor at Christ Lutheran in Brea. 克里斯蒂安的妻子梅根09届也是波胆app有限公司的校友.

“Every Sunday we get together to have dinner 和 it’s wild 和 wonderful,苏说. “Whoever can come, we feed them 和 those kids can play together.”

When it comes to giving, “The truth is you don’t miss it,苏说. “上帝太好了. 付出你的金钱和时间从来都不是一件坏事. 这总是一种祝福.”




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