



There are restrooms on the lower library floor to the right of the stacks. Additional restrooms can be found on the second floor learning commons near the Unity Center and elevator.


Light food, snacks, and beverages with spill-proof lids are permitted inside the library building. 不允许往图书馆送食物.


If you are having issues logging in, please refer to the following guide: 库数据库登录故障处理指南.


施罗德图书馆的工作人员很期待你的消息. An anonymous suggestion box is available in the lobby of the library and on the lower floor near the stairs. 经常回复评论和问题. 您也可以通过以下方式与我们联系 (电子邮件保护) 或者点击这里的评论链接: 评论和建议


自习室只对康考迪亚的学生开放. 自习室有2小时的限制. 学习的房间 need to be checked out at the Circulation Desk with your student ID.


所有的图书馆资料都列在 在线目录. You can also find information on how to use the library’s resources on our libguide.


The STACKS, 也被称为主阅览室, hold most of our collection and are located at the back of the library on the lower level of the 施罗德图书馆 and Learning Commons. The collection is organized by the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System, 一串字母和数字. 货架的两端都有标签,以帮助你搜索. See the 图书馆地图 找到你的书在哪里,或者向流通处寻求帮助.


书籍流通4周. 检查你的收据. 你也可以检查你的材料状态从 OneSearch. Click the 'Sign In' link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. 使用您的e#和Blackboard密码登录. A list will appear with all the books you have checked out and their due dates.



  • You can bring your ID card to the library and ask an employee at the main desk to renew your books.
  • 你可以自己续借 OneSearch. Click the 'Sign In' button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. 使用您的e#和Blackboard密码登录. A list will appear with all the books you have checked out and their due dates. 点击任何项目旁边的“续订”来续订. 每件物品只能续借一次.


您可以使用 馆际互借.


书25美分/天. 召回和馆际互借项目是1美元.00/day. 保留项目是5美元.00/day.


A copier and printer can be found at the front of the library in the far right corner of the lower floor across from the patio. An additional printer and copier can be found on the top floor Learnings Common next to the Center for Career and Vocation.


你可以在我们的 libguide


The library stores the Masters Theses collection in our institutional repository. 可以从 cui.dspacedirect.org. 您可以在我们的 lib guide.


The library does not collect textbooks used in Concordia University classes.


课程资料保存在借阅台后面. 询问他们的教授,然后是头衔. 你需要你的I.D. 借阅预订项目. There are multiple lending periods to borrow Reserve items: Library Use Only (LUO – can't take out), 3小时(可外带), 过夜(但要在晚上10点前回来).m. the next day), 3-day, and 7-day which are determined by the professor. 逾期罚款5美元.00/day.


From OneSearch, click on Library Links in the upper right-hand side of the page and click on E-Journals List. From here, you can search or browse through our list of A-Z journals.


The library no longer carries print journals in our collection with a few limited exceptions that can be accessed by request.


To access databases from off campus, simply enter your E# and Canvas password when prompted. 你可以在我们的网站上找到更详细的说明 libguide

我的教授要我们做研究. 学习如何使用图书馆的最好方法是什么?


  • First, your professor may arrange Library Instruction for the entire class which can be related to the subject, 学生的作业和/或水平. 向图书管理员咨询更多信息.
  • Second, the library offers half-hour workshops in-person and over zoom on basic search topics which anyone can attend. Past virtual workshops and other instructional videos can be accessed on our youtube page.
  • 第三,你可以请图书管理员帮助你. 您可以致电949-214-3090,发邮件至 (电子邮件保护),在线与我们聊天,或预约图书馆内的帮助.



  • 布尔运算符:使用AND、OR和NOT进行搜索.
    • 'AND' joins two or more terms and returns results containing every term, 比如“大学”、“费用”和“经济援助”.'
    • 'OR' expands the search so the results include at least one of the terms, 比如“学院”或“大学”.'
    • 'NOT' limits the search by excluding some terms, such as 'pets' NOT 'cats' NOT 'dogs.'
  • Quotation Marks: Putting terms in quotation marks indicates you want to search for those terms together - "red neck"
  • 括号:类似于引号, these keep terms in groups to search only for the terms together (peace on earth)
  • 通配符(?) and Truncation (*): These symbols help your search by substituting for an unknown letter - (se?M表示seam、seem等.) or finding other forms of a root word by including other word endings - (gentl* brings up gentle, gentlemen, gently, etc.)
  • Proximity or nearby (N(ear) or W(ithin) + # of words): These search two or more terms which may be nearby each other. i.e. 'income N5 tax' searches for anywhere the words are within 5 words of each other (tax may be on income). 'Income W3 tax' finds results where the words are in the same order as typed (income-related tax, 但不包括与税收有关的收入).


Your professor determines what style you must use to document sources for your papers. APA stands for the American Psychological Association and is usually used in the Social Sciences. See the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association apastyle.apa.org. MLA stands for Modern Language Association and is preferred by the Arts and Humanities faculty. 见MLA手册的研究论文的作家www.mla./style(两者都在图书馆). History and Theology usually prefer the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), also referred to as Turabian. Others to consider are the CSE, Council of Science Editors and COS, the Columbia Online Style. Each has its own style or preference for how to give credit to sources used for support. 有很多有用的网站和讲义,但是请查看 写作工作室 in the Library or their website or call x1502 for further information.

我的密码不工作,或者我忘记了. 我该怎么办??

All registered students have access to library research databases and are given a password/PIN when they register.  Logins and passwords for remote access are the same as your Concordia webmail logins (E#) and passwords.  If you still can't access the databases call ITS at (949) 214-3175, or email at (电子邮件保护).
